Vetameg™ Injection (Flunixin Meglumine)

Aspen Veterinary Resources, LTD

Vetameg Injection (Flunixin Meglumine)

As compared to Flunixin Meglumine Injection Value Pick, Prevail Injection (Flunixin Meglumine) or Banamine Injection


Category: Anti Inflammatories, Big Order Discount Eligible

Species: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle

Active Ingredient(s): flunixin meglumine (50 mg/mL)

Requires prescription approval.Details
Product details

A potent, non-narcotic, non-steroidal, analgesic agent with anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic activity.

  • Cattle: indicated for the control of pyrexia associated with bovine respiratory disease, acute bovine mastitis and inflammation in endotoxemia.

  • Horses: recommended for the alleviation of inflammation and pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders. It is also recommended for the alleviation of visceral pain associated with colic.

  • Not for use in dry dairy cows and veal calves.

Vetameg™ is a trademark of Aspen Veterinary Resources, LTD